a little over a week ago, I have had a traffic accident, resulting in a tibia head fracture (in otherwords: broken knee). Therefore, I am currently using a wheelchair. I can walk short distances on crutches, but generally, I am not very mobile.
I was planning to couchsurf before Function, but couchsurfing with a wheelchair is really hard. And going to a hotel is too expensive, and I need some help (for example, going shopping could be difficult).
I talked to Gargaj, but because of the pre-party stress he would prefer if I could find a different place to stay. I will be coming to Budapest a few days after WeCan, probably around the 18. or 19. of September, and need a place to stay until Function. Essentially, all I need is a place to sleep, a table to put my laptop, and internet. I will hopefully spend some time working on an entry.
Can anyone help? Please contact me by mail at topy (at) untergrund (dot) net
Please write in English, I do not understand Hungarian. :)
Greetings from Germany,